02/28/2025 - PPS and JAXA MOS have changed the primary source of the GPM core satellite ephemeris data for all future Version 7 processing on the March 1, 2025 data date. The GPM Near-Real-Time will also be changing the primary ephemeris sources as well around this same time. This impacts all GPM science products using data from GPM core instruments. Click here for more information.
01/30/2025 - PPS is announcing an updated version of the Cloudsat TRMM and GPM coincident datasets. These are now available for retrieval from PPS. Documentation for this V05 dataset is available at this location. See details for more information.
12/10/2024 - PPS has processed the Version 07B IMERG Early Run and Late Run datasets from January 1998 to May 2000. These join the Final Run in now covering the start of the TRMM era. Please see all details here.
11/25/2024 - PPS is announcing a new IMERG web visualization tool. RAIN-Global (Regional Animations of IMERG in Near-realtime - Global Edition). Please see all the details here or try it!
10/28/2024 - PPS will generate the Version 07B IMERG Final Run dataset from January 1998 to May 2000 to include the TRMM data era. Details here.
10/15/2024 - On Tuesday October 15, 2024 at approximately 18:14 UTC the GPM spacecraft had an GPS interference event which tripped some checks in the ephemeris processing at PPS. Details here.
10/07/2024 - Monday October 07, 2024: PPS production data resumed. JAXA repaired the affected systems and provided all expected data to PPS.
10/04/2024 - Due to the serious JAXA system failures, PPS has placed part of PPS production on hold.
05/16/2024 - On June 03, 2024 PPS will update the GPM Near-realtime (NRT) subsystem to RHEL8 OS. Please read all the details and possible impacts here.
03/04/2024 - On March 08, 2024 after PPS's production system conversion to RHEL 8, PPS will restart GPM radar production processing at version V07C for the post boost radar data. Click here for details.
12/02/2023 - The GPM satellite experienced an anomaly and went into Safe Mode around 00:40 UTC on December 2, 2023 or (19:40 EST December 1, 2023). The GPM satellite has returned to Mission Science Mode. The DPR Ku/Ka radars have returned to operational science mode and are collecting data as of 16:41UTC on December 05, 2023. GPM data will be released after the products are verified by the science team. Note that post-boost DPR data continues to be held from public distribution. Updates will be posted to this website as important details are provided.
11/08/2023 - The GPM Core Satellite Boost (Nov 07-08, 2023) to the new orbit altitude has completed. Everything is nominal. (Please see GMI Footprint Changes Due to 35 km Altitude Boost). The GPM DPR instrument data will take more time to evaluate in detail. Updates will be posted as important information becomes available.
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