Color | Range |
>34.0 | |
21.0-34.0 | |
13.0-21.0 | |
8.0-13.0 | |
5.0-8.0 | |
3.0-5.0 | |
2.0-3.0 | |
1.0-2.0 | |
0.01-1.0 | |
0-0.01 | |
The goal of this website is visualizing Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) data as soon as the data are available. The Near Real-Time (NRT) moniker refers to the minimal delay between the data acquisition and delivery.
The GPM Microwave Imager data are available in 5-minute increments; the Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) and Combined (CMB) data are available in 6-minute increments; the IMERG-Half Hour "Early" data are available in 30-minute increments. A total of 24 hours are available at any given time. Control the rate of satellite progression (for GMI, DPR, and CMB) using the time widget in the bottom-left.
The raw data powering this tool can be accessed by registering for the Near Real-Time service at PPS Registration. Older data can be accessed using the STORM interface. For more information, see the User Guide
Note 6/20/16: Currently going from IMERG back to swath-based products takes a significant amount of time; a page refresh might be faster.